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Important Tax Information

Important Dates to Remember:

Dec 20

Last day to pay your first half property tax or to pay the full property tax without a late charge and interest on the first half tax amount. Late charge is 2% of the tax amount owing and interest is 1% a month beginning January 1.

June 20

Last day to pay second half property tax without a late charge and interest. Late charge is 2% of the tax amount owing and interest is 1% a month calculated from January 1.

Mail Payments to:

Nez Perce County Tax Collector
PO BOX 896
Lewiston ID 83501

Make Checks Payable to:

Nez Perce County Tax Collector (Please include your payment stub.)

Post Mark:

When mailing your tax payment, be sure the envelope is U.S. Postmarked on or before the due date. The U.S. Postal Service does not guarantee a postmark the day you place mail into your home mailbox. You may need to take your payment into the post office to get it date stamped.

Drop Box

The drop box is located next to the south entrance of the Courthouse. The box is checked daily for both December and June payments.

Pay Taxes Online

Partial Payments

Partial Payments can be made at any time on delinquent, current or future taxes.

Tax Information - Frequently Asked Questions

Tax Info FAQs

Q:When are the deadlines for paying taxes?

Tax levies are not finalized until late in the month of October. Tax bills are mailed out as early as possible in November. Even if you do not receive your tax bill, as a property owner you are responsible for paying your taxes.

Your tax bill lists taxes for the current calendar year, but may be paid in two equal halves. The first half tax is due on or before December 20 and the second half tax is due on or before June 20 of the following year. Idaho law requires that delinquent taxes accrue a 2% late charge, on the delinquent tax, assessed on December 21 and June 21. Interest at the rate of 1% a month begins on delinquent taxes as of January 1 for either first half or second half tax.

A reminder is not sent for the second half tax payment.

Q:What does the county do with all the money it collects?

Your tax bill consolidates the levies for all taxing districts in which you reside. The County Treasurer then sends the funds collected to each taxing district, including what is designated for county services.

Q:What is the notice I receive from the Assessor and how does it relate to taxes?

Assessment notices are sent to inform you of the value of the property and/or improvements. The value listed on the assessment notice will be used in calculation of the tax bill received in November.

Q:I didn't get my tax bill, do I still have to pay late fees?

Yes. Idaho Code (63-9029) states that failure to receive notices does not invalidate taxes or any collection procedure. Even if you don't receive the notice or they are later than you expected, as the property owner you are responsible for the timely payment of your taxes. It is your responsibility to provide the County Assessor with your correct address. If the address on your tax bill is incorrect, contact the County Assessor as soon as possible at 208-799-3010.

Q:What happens if I don't pay the taxes on a mobile home or personal property?

Taxes on personal property and manufactured housing are due and payable on demand. If no demand is made, the taxes may be paid in two equal halves. The first half is due and payable on or before December 20, and the second half is due on or before June 20 of the following year. If the first half is not paid on or before December 20, that half becomes delinquent and the entire tax becomes due and payable including a 2% late fee and interest calculated at 1% a month.

When a delinquency occurs on any manufactured home or personal property the county treasurer must issue a Warrant of Distraint. Warrants of Distraint are not issued against people, they are issued against property. While you will not be arrested, your property or property of equal value, may be "distrained" for payment. These conditions also apply if the second half of the personal property or manufactured home is not paid by June 20.

Reminders About Your Tax Payments

Be Aware of Due Dates
Be aware of the important dates and deadlines for payments, applications for property tax relief and assessment appeals. It is particularly important that you be aware of your property tax due dates. Tax bills are mailed on each parcel, however, failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse the taxpayer from paying the taxes, late charge, and interest accrued, if any.

Address Changes
Be sure to notify the Assessor's Office whenever your mailing address changes.

Mailing Tax Payments
When mailing a tax payment, make sure the envelope is U.S. postmarked on or before the due date. The U.S. Postal Service does not guarantee a postmark the day you place mail into your home mailbox. You may need to take your payment into the post office to get it date stamped.
Make checks payable to: Nez Perce County Tax Collector.

Pay Taxes Online

Idaho State Tax Commission
For sales tax forms and filing information, go to the Idaho State Tax Commission website, contact them at 800-972-7660, or e-mail the tax commission.



Rebecca "Missy"

Email Rebecca "Missy"


Office Location
1230 Main Street
Lewiston, ID 83501

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 896
Lewiston, ID 83501


Contact Us



Office Hours
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM


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