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Recording Fees



New fees for the following documents that contain 30 pages or less:

Deeds, grants and conveyances of real property
    Warranty deeds, Quit Claim deeds, Trustee deeds,
    Probate deeds, Sheriffs deeds, Tax deeds,
    Redemption deeds, Patent deeds, All other deeds.
Deeds of Trust or Mortgages of real property
Deeds of Trust or Mortgages that include fixture filings,
security agreements & assignments of leases
and rents in the same document
Deeds of Reconveyance
Substitution of Trustee & Deed of Reconveyance
as one document
Power of Attorney

All other documents, or if the above documents contain more than 30 pages, the recording fees are:
$10.00 for the first page
$3.00 for each additional page after that PER document

Recording and Inquiry

We record only the Original document or a certified copy of the document. No copies, faxes, or electronic documents will be accepted for recording. All documents must have a notary and not exceed 8 1/2" x 14". Larger pages will be charged an additional fee, two (2) cents a square inch for sizes exceeding 8 1/2" x 14". Documents must leave a 2" x 3" space for recording information on the front or last page. There is an additional charge of $3.00 to put information on back of the last page if the space is not available. Your original document will be returned to you. Please include a self-addressed envelope and make your check is payable to Nez Perce County Recorder. All documents are returned to the requesting party.

Copies for each page $1.00
Certification of copies $1.00
Release or assignment where more than one (1) document is released or assigned in the same instrument, for each additional release or assignment $1.00
Subdivision Plats-Recording Fee $11.00
Survey recording per page $5.00
Location notice or amended location notice, of a mining claim, or for recording and indexing each notice for each page $4.00
Affidavit of labor of mining claims for one (1) mining claim already notarized $4.00
Survey-copy $4.00
Marriage License $28.00
Each certificate under seal there shall be an additional fee $1.00


Birth and Death Records 1907 through 1911 are available at Nez Perce County. All others dates are obtained through:
Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720
Phone: 208-334-5980
Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics Website



Starcard Acceptable Documents

Where to Write for Vital Records - Birth Certificate, Marriage License, etc.


Nez Perce County Drop Box




Patty Weeks

Email Patty


Office Location
Courthouse, 1st Floor
1230 Main Street
Lewiston, ID 83501

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 896
Lewiston, ID 83501

Office Hours
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Phone: 208-799-3020
Fax: 208-799-3070

District Court

Office Location
Courthouse, 2nd Floor
1230 Main Street
Lewiston, ID 83501

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 896
Lewiston, ID 83501

Office Hours
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Phone: 208-799-3040
Court Fax: 208-799-3058

Magistrate Judges' Secretary:
Magistrate Fax:


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