We record only the Original document or a certified copy of the document. No copies, faxes, or electronic documents will be accepted for recording. All documents must have a notary and not exceed 8 1/2" x 14". Larger pages will be charged an additional fee, two (2) cents a square inch for sizes exceeding 8 1/2" x 14". Documents must leave a 2" x 3" space for recording information on the front or last page. There is an additional charge of $3.00 to put information on back of the last page if the space is not available. Your original document will be returned to you. Please include a self-addressed envelope and make your check is payable to Nez Perce County Recorder. All documents are returned to the requesting party.
Copies for each page |
$1.00 |
Certification of copies |
$1.00 |
Release or assignment where more than one (1) document is released or assigned in the same instrument, for each additional release or assignment |
$1.00 |
Subdivision Plats-Recording Fee |
$11.00 |
Survey recording per page |
$5.00 |
Location notice or amended location notice, of a mining claim, or for recording and indexing each notice for each page |
$4.00 |
Affidavit of labor of mining claims for one (1) mining claim already notarized |
$4.00 |
Survey-copy |
$4.00 |
Marriage License |
$28.00 |
Each certificate under seal there shall be an additional fee |
$1.00 |
Birth and Death Records 1907 through 1911 are available at Nez Perce County. All others dates are obtained through:
Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720
Phone: 208-334-5980
Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics Website
Starcard Acceptable Documents
Where to Write for Vital Records - Birth Certificate, Marriage License, etc.