Idaho and Noxious Weeds
Idaho has 71 different species, and 4 genera of weeds that are designated noxious by state law as well as an ongoing list of species that are of concern or proposed for addition to the present list. Proper identification and handling can aid in squelching the spread of these weeds and the damage they do to Idaho lands. The culprits who have made the list thus far can be seen here:
The spread of noxious weeds has an adverse effect on the economy, ecology and agriculture of Idaho. It is the goal of the Nez Perce County Noxious Weed Department to stop the spread of these invaders along our transportation corridors, as well as to assist the public with identification of these weeds and with methods of control. Only through cooperative efforts can progress be made in the fight against noxious weeds.

Spreading Awareness at the Nez Perce County Fair